When it comes to yoga, there are 84 basic asanas (poses) to choose from. I choose #TREEPOSE. I was blessed with height & hips that keep me standing tall! Why do I love it so much?

I had a very wise yoga teacher who said "somedays are really good balance days, and some days just aren't" ... I keep that in perspective in both my yoga practice and in daily life.
Confidence & Self-Esteem
Tree pose gives me great confidence and builds self-esteem - something I've struggled with all my life.
It teaches me to be true to myself - a stance of grit 'n grace. Some days it's really pretty, some days it's really messy.
I stand in my power ... foot grounded into the earth, eyes focused and breath finding it's steady stillness in this pose - then I grow my branches, soften my shoulders, relax my jaw, lower my leg if I need to, fall out & choose again. I might even challenge myself to close my eyes for the biggest wonder ever. Smiling, laughing and noticing what uproots me.
I can't be slouchy when my whole body is counting on me to stand up straight. With the flow of upward and downward energy, I find my strength through peace. I am grateful.
